Frequently Asked Questions

Where does the club meet and when does the show start?
The club meets at Brampton Community Centre, Union Lane, Brampton, Cumbria, CA8 1BX. The film club normally opens its doors at 6.30pm unless otherwise stated. The show begins at 7.00pm. New members and non-members are always welcome. Pre-booking of tickets via our Trybooking online system is preferred. Please note, tickets are non-refundable.
How do I become a member?
Membership is open to anyone aged 18 years or more.
We offer perpetual membership. Perpetual Membership can be subscribed to for (£sterling) £6.00 per annum payable by Standing Order only. Standing order forms are available from the club's committee at any club event, but if you prebook a ticket via our online booking system, a form will be emailed to you. The form must be returned to the committee for administrative purposes. The committee will pass the form to your bank for payment.
There is no administration period before you can enjoy the club's facilities. After handing in your Standing Order form, or paying the required fee, you will receive a membership card and you're in – it's that simple.
We offer perpetual membership. Perpetual Membership can be subscribed to for (£sterling) £6.00 per annum payable by Standing Order only. Standing order forms are available from the club's committee at any club event, but if you prebook a ticket via our online booking system, a form will be emailed to you. The form must be returned to the committee for administrative purposes. The committee will pass the form to your bank for payment.
There is no administration period before you can enjoy the club's facilities. After handing in your Standing Order form, or paying the required fee, you will receive a membership card and you're in – it's that simple.
What are the advantages of membership?
You save money! We do of course allow admittance to non–members but they pay more for each film they attend. Therefore, over the year, you can save money by being a member. Each member receives a loyalty card, and after attending 6 films, the 7th film is free. Members also have access to the DVD library.
What sort of films will be shown?
We publish a set programme for each season. Film selection is based on members' suggestions and research by the club’s selection committee. The ‘programme’ will not be too specialist because our members have a wide taste in movies. Over and above the published programme, the club may screen other films if there is evidence of a demand. As a film club, we aim to make a wide variety of films available but we need membership support to do so.
How do I suggest a film to be shown?
Tell a committee member, or you can get in touch via email to Ideally let us know a little bit about the film, such as name of director, year the film was produced, the type of film and a brief synopsis. We’ll do the rest.
How big is the screen?
Our electric drop-down screen was installed in 2012 at a cost of more than £5,000. It measures 16 feet wide x 9 feet deep. The money to purchase this equipment was kindly grant funded by:
• Hadfield Trust
• Brampton Parish Council
• Cumbria County Council
• Co-operative Community Fund
• Cumbria Community Foundation
• Laurel House Trust
• William Milburn Trust
The club is greatful for the support and confidence these organisations have shown in our ability to deliver community cinema here, in Brampton.
• Hadfield Trust
• Brampton Parish Council
• Cumbria County Council
• Co-operative Community Fund
• Cumbria Community Foundation
• Laurel House Trust
• William Milburn Trust
The club is greatful for the support and confidence these organisations have shown in our ability to deliver community cinema here, in Brampton.
What are the seats like?
In May 2016 the previous seating was replaced with more comfortable seating. Our regular members who had been bringing their own folding seats/cushions no longer needed to. A definite improvement!
Are there any refreshments available?
There is a vending machine which sells hot drinks. You are welcome to bring your own refreshments to consume during the film.
How accessible are film nights for people with disabilities
Brampton Community Centre has no steps to the entrance lobby, nor to the cafe area. There are some seats available on the raised seating (stage area) of the hall. There is currently no wheelchair access to the floor of the main hall, which is reached via steps.
Most films are also screened with subtitles for hard of hearing members of the audience. Subtitles are naturally shown when we screen a foreign language film
Most films are also screened with subtitles for hard of hearing members of the audience. Subtitles are naturally shown when we screen a foreign language film
Can I bring children?
Children are welcome, provided they are accompanied by a responsible adult and the film certificate permits their entry.
How does the DVD Library work?
For members only:If you miss a film which has been shown on a Film Night, you can now borrow the DVD from our film library free of charge. The DVD library will be available on each Film Night in the Community Centre hall from 6.30pm - 6.55pm for browsing and borrowing and films may be borrowed from one Film Night to the next. If you can’t return the film by the following Film Night, please let us know.